Map of Nice, France
We have selected the following websites which allows you to explore Nice in a interactive way :
Nice à la carte : Supplied by the Direction Information Géographique, this interface offers you views of Nice according to the elements you need. This powerful function offers you satellite images of Nice. |
Map of Nice : Map drawen up in collaboration and with the documentation of the city of Nice according to a developped concept by Panovista. This virtual visit allows the client to discover the city of Nice in 360° angle. This is a very pratical tool due to its flash conception. You only need to move the cursor to move the map. All roads and streets are classed in alphabetical order, and a list of places of interests are classed under a submenu. |
Towns in photos : This tool is very interesting, a collaboration issue between and, allows us to see each street and building façade on photo. |
For more information about city of Nice, please visit the official site of the Nice city council.